Joining the Lay Dominicans – what can I expect?
You may have met some or many Lay Dominicans, Dominican sisters or Dominican friars recently or in the past, or you may have seen a video or read a book by a Dominican. At some point, you may have started thinking ‘Might this be for me?’.
If so, ask yourself these questions:
1. Am I a baptised Catholic who goes to Mass at least once a week?
2. Do I love the Catholic Church, warts and all, and am I prepared to serve it as part of the charism of the Dominican Order?
3. Do I have experience of being part of a group of people who care about one another and listen to one another, including giving way to one another where appropriate in discussion and in questions of organisation?
4. Am I prepared to take on a commitment to pray regularly, study regularly, attend local Lay Dominican meetings once a month and share my informed faith with others as the opportunity arises?
If you answer yes to all of these, and want to know more, identify your nearest Lay Dominican Fraternity or Fraternal Group and email the contact address listed. You may want to speak to one or more of your existing Dominican contacts before doing this.