The Lay Provincial Council was elected at a Chapter meeting in October 2022. There are 8 elected members of the Council and they each have a specific role. The Provincial Promoter of the Laity, fr. John Farrell OP, is also a member of the Council.

Provincial President: Margaret Doyle

The Provincial President is the representative of the Fraternities of the Province, chairs the Council meetings and convenes the Assembly and Chapter meetings.

Margaret is a member of the North East Fraternal Group and can be contacted at

Vice-President: Fernando Cervantes

Fernando is a member of Bristol Fraternity. As well as being Vice-President he has responsibility for liaison with external groups

Directory Review: Andy Doyle

Andy is a member of the North East Fraternal Group and is leading on our current review of the Directory, which sets out the way in which the Rule of the Lay Dominican Fraternities is to be applied in our province.

Secretary: Gigi Horsfield

Gigi is a member of the Oxford Fraternity. Her role includes taking the minutes of Council meetings, Assemblies and Chapters.

Communications Officer: Teresa Jankowska

Teresa is a member of the Oxford Fraternity. The Communications Officer role involves facilitating communications across the province.

Treasurer: Philip Owens

The Treasurer is responsible for drawing up the budget and presenting annual accounts to the Council.

Philip is a member of the Oxford Fraternity.

Formation Officer: Sara Parvis

Sara is a member of the Edinburgh Fraternity. The Formation Officer is responsible for promoting a programme for formation in consultation with the Formation Officers of the Fraternities.

Events Officer: Catherine Wallis-Hughes

The Events Officer leads on organising events for the province. Catherine is a member of the London Fraternity.

Provincial Promoter: fr. Thomas Therese Mannion OP

The Provincial Promoter represents the Prior Provincial of the English Province.

Fr. Thomas is based in Edinburgh.

Representing the Sisters: Sr. Rose Rolling OP. Sr. Rose is based in Cambridge.