Bristol Fraternity
Apart from the major holiday seasons, meetings are held monthly normally on the first Tuesday of the month. Currently (2022) they are held in the Catholic Chaplaincy, Bristol and preceded by the 7.00pm evening Mass although it may be worth checking if you are attending for the first time.
Currently the e-mail circulation list for the Bristol Fraternity has a dozen or so names, all of whom are keen to keep up their connection with the group even if they cannot always attend meetings. Meetings are regularly attended by about 5 or 6 members, sometimes a few more. Properly speaking, because Dominicans are organised in fraternities and that is an important part of their identity, reasonably regular attendance at meetings is expected of members. Several members have made formal Dominican commitment through the rite of acceptance into the Lay Dominicans, others have made their first temporary profession, and we now have attending our meetings several others who have made their final profession as Dominicans for life.
For more information on the Bristol Lay Dominican Fraternity contact Prof. Paul Williams ( 0117-9635544) or Dr Fernando Cervantes (