A Corporal Work of Mercy: Visit the prisoner
God calls each of us in different ways to serve Him and our neighbour. This prisons week, you are invited to join a live Zoom meeting online to hear the testimony of how a lay prison chaplain became involved in prison ministry and evangelisation. Those over the age of 18 are welcome and there will be time for Q&A and prayer. These hour-long informal talks will each contain the same content: Sunday 8th October at 20:00, Tuesday 10th October at 20:00, Wednesday 11th October at 20:00, Friday 13th October at 12:30. For the Zoom link, please email claz.gomez@justice.gov.uk with your preferred day of attendance, and roughly where you are located. You’ll be emailed back with the link.
Claz works at Long Lartin prison, and Lay Dominicans in Cambridge are involved in supporting her work with prayer, etc..