“Beware of practising your piety before men in order to be seen by them; for then you will have no reward from your Father who is in heaven.
“Thus, when you give alms, sound no trumpet before you, as the hypocrites do in the synagogues and in the streets, that they may be praised by men. Truly,I say to you, they have their reward. But when you give alms, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, so that your alms may be in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.
“And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites; for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and in the street corners, that they may be seen by men. Truly, I say to you, they have their reward. But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door and pray to your Father who is in secret; and your Father who sees in secret will reward you.”
(Matthew 6: 1 – 6)
In these times it seems normal to be in the public forum. Our lives are presented for viewing on social media, for affirmation, scrutiny and comment. I often wonder how difficult it must be to live “off grid”, and quieten the voice urging me to ‘post this, post that’!
Oh Lord, give me the grace to find my inner room, the courage to enter it, and the trust to open my heart to You, who knows all my failings, struggles and weaknesses and loves me still.
Teresa Jankowska
February 2023