The Master of the Order, fr. Gerard Timoner OP, is currently visiting the English Province. On Saturday 12th October fr. Gerard said Mass for the whole Dominican family at St. Dominic’s, the Rosary Shrine, in London.

Fr. Gerard was welcomed by fr. Nick Crowe OP (Prior Provincial), Sr. Ann Cunningham (representing the sisters), Margaret Doyle (President of the Lay Provincial Council) and Fr. Michael Hall (Prior of the Priestly Fraternity).
After Mass there was the opportunity for the whole Dominican family to spend time together, to talk and to enjoy the excellent hospitality provided by the parishioners of St. Dominic’s.
During the day, the Lay Provincial Council met with the Master. We talked about the growth of the Lay Dominicans in the Province and about all we are doing to improve communications between the fraternities, and with individual Lay Dominicans who are not able to attend their local group regularly. We also spoke about the Synod on Synodality and about the development of our formation programme.