Colin Barnes RIP

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Colin Barnes of the Edinburgh Fraternity. Colin died earlier today. Please keep Colin’s wife, Teresa, and his family in your prayers. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord, And let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen

Admissions in Edinburgh Fraternity

Congratulations to Alison, Anthony, Lillian and Tricia, who were admitted to the Edinburgh Fraternity on Saturday 2nd September. Please keep them in your prayers. The admissions took place as part of a Regional Day, where Lay Dominicans from Edinburgh, Glasgow and the North East of England met together, to spend time in prayer, to get

Ukraine: Peacemaking When it Hurts

The Albertus Institute in Edinburgh (jointly with the School of Divinity’s Centre for Theology and Public Issues) are running a colloquium on peacekeeping in Ukraine on Friday 11th March from 4.30-6pm, on Zoom and in person at New College, Mound Place. Here is the link to register, which has details of speakers: