Edinburgh profession
It is with joy that we announce the profession of Tricia Murphy Black on Saturday 7th September 2024. Please keep Tricia in your prayers.
It is with joy that we announce the profession of Tricia Murphy Black on Saturday 7th September 2024. Please keep Tricia in your prayers.
It is with great joy that we celebrate the admissions to the Oxford Fraternity of: Emily Martin (12th November 2023), Phillip Lasater (9th March 2024), and Eleni Thwaites (12th May 2024). Please keep them in your prayers.
The Edinburgh Friars are holding a conference, “God’s Mercy and Yours”, on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th June. The conference seeks to explore the theme of mercy which is central to our lives as Dominicans and has been witnessed to by so many of our brothers and sisters over the centuries. Full details of
The Lay Dominicans and the parish of Crawley have celebrated the faithful contributions of Sr Philomena Dzimba OP, as she moves on in her ministry to take a post in Zimbabwe. We are grateful for the ministry of Sr Philomena, as spiritual director, her fierce commitment to the Gospel and to her vocation as a
It has been a busy and joyful time for Crawley. We finished the month of February with the admission of a new member and first and final professions of two others. Please keep them in your prayers.
You can now view the videos of all the talks presented at the Seminar on our YouTube channel. https://www.youtube.com/@LayDominicans-wo8mw
Sr. Mary Magdalene Eitenmiller will be teaching a Christology course at Margaret Beaufort Institute on Tuesday afternoons (4:30 – 6 pm) from 23 April to 11 June. The course will be offered both in-person (at Wesley House Cambridge) and online. The primary goal of this course is to enable students to gain an overview of St. Thomas
On 6th February 2024, Bristol welcomed Christophe Fricker, Nick Sutton, Lawrie Sayer and Maria Rupprecht to their fraternity. Please keep them in your prayers.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of Lionel Carriere, a very longstanding member of the London Fraternity, who died on Thursday 16th November 2023. Lionel had been terminally ill for some time. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord And let perpetual light shine upon him May he rest in peace Amen
6th November 2023 November is the month when Catholics make a special effort to pray for the dead. If you would like the brethren to pray for the souls of your loved ones, you can add their name to our November Dead List online or by posting a note through the letterbox at Blackfriars, Oxford, using the