O Wisdom, you guide the minds and hearts
of poets and philosophers, scientists and artists:
Come and reveal your truth to us.
O Lord and Leader of Israel,
you call Muslim, Jew and Christian
to denounce violence and to live in harmony:
Come and reveal your peace to us.
O Root of Jesse,
you nurture and care for us through all generations,
in every time and in every place:
Come and reveal your ageless love to us.
O Key of David and Sceptre of Israel,
you release us from the chains of fear, anxiety and desperation:
Come and reveal your freedom to us.
O Dayspring,
Splendour of Eternal Light and Sun of Righteousness,
you rouse us from sleep and call us out of darkness:
Come and reveal your light to us.
O King of nations, you overcome suspicion and hatred,
destroying all that keeps your people apart:
Come and reveal your mercy to us.
O Emmanuel, our King and Lawgiver,
the Expectation and Saviour of the nations:
Come into our hearts. Come into our lives.
Come into our city. Come, Lord Jesus.
Father most holy, your loving kindness dawns
and your tender compassion shines upon us,
for in Christ our Saviour, born of human flesh,
you reveal your marvellous gift of birth to life eternal.
Fill us with wonder in these Advent days
as we recall the greatness of your mercy to all
and transform our lives by the light of your grace.
Grant this through him whose coming is certain
and whose Day draws near, Christ our Lord.
Andy, North East fraternity, December 2021