

Information, Prayers & Liturgies

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The Dominican Family Seminar 2022

The 2022 seminar took place from 20 – 22 March, at Hinsley Hall in Leeds. After the cancellation of the 2021 seminar it was wonderful for all the different branches of the family to be together again, and to spend time in prayer and socialising, and hearing updates about the challenges of the last few

Bridging the Gap

C.atherine Wallis-Hughes of the London Fraternity will be joining a panel at an event on Vocations at Fisher House in Cambridge. The Vocations Panel takes place on Thursday 10 March at 8.00pm. and will also be live-streamed on the website at

Ukraine: Peacemaking When it Hurts

The Albertus Institute in Edinburgh (jointly with the School of Divinity’s Centre for Theology and Public Issues) are running a colloquium on peacekeeping in Ukraine on Friday 11th March from 4.30-6pm, on Zoom and in person at New College, Mound Place. Here is the link to register, which has details of speakers:

Litany of the Dominican Saints for Peace

“Even now,” declares the Lord,  “return to me with all your heart,     with fasting and weeping and mourning.… sound the trumpet, declare a holy fast… gather the people” Joel 2:12, 15 The Master of the Order has published a letter for Ash Wednesday, asking us to pray the Litany for Peace during Lent. A group of Lay Dominicans will

Pray for the People of Ukraine

“May the Queen of Peace preserve the world from the madness of war.” Pope Francis The Dominicans have a convent in Kiev with 7 religious, and five house of priests: Lvów (4 members), Czortków (3 members), Chmielnicki (2 members), Fastów (3 members) and Kharkiv (3 members). Dominican nuns have homes in Iolkwa and Czortków, and

Word of Life on Radio Maria

On Monday 7 February Fr. Dominic White OP and Marystella Ramirez Guerra, a Lay Dominican, appeared on Radio Maria’s ‘Word of Life’ programme talking about their work with the Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology, the Roman Catholic House of the Cambridge Theological Federation. Fr. Dominic, who is Director of Research, spoke about the formal degrees

Dominicans on Radio Maria: 7 February

On Monday 7 February, at 11.15am, you can hear Fr. Dominic White OP and Marystella Ramirez Guerra, a Lay Dominican, talking on Radio Maria’s ‘Word of Life’ programme. Fr. Dominic and Marystella will be talking about their work with the Margaret Beaufort Institute of Theology, the Roman Catholic House of the Cambridge Theological Federation. The