

Information, Prayers & Liturgies

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Pauline Burton RIP

Pauline was educated at St Paul’s Convent Birmingham and the Agricultural College, Penkridge, Staffordshire, and for a time she and her husband David farmed near Sutton on Sea, Lincolnshire before David took over the family engineering firm. Pauline was an outstanding Lay Dominican. When David retired, they sailed their own boat to the Caribbean and

Professions in Cardiff

Mass and the Rite of Permanent Promises will be celebrated on Wednesday, 1st June, 7pm at St David’s Metropolitan Cathedral, Charles Street, Cardiff. Fr Robert Gay OP, Prior of Blackfriars, Oxford, will preside. Three candidates, having completed the discernment period, will be making a lifelong commitment as Lay Dominicans. Please pray for those making these

Civil Communication

On Sunday 12th June, the London fraternity will host a workshop by Catholic Voices on reframing and the principles of civil communication: about how we can best share the good news of our Catholic faith with family and friends (or even in the public sphere), and how to handle difficult conversations about faith and the

Visit of the Master of the Order

Fr Gerard F. P. Timoner III, OP, the Master of the Dominican Order worldwide, is visiting the UK to celebrate the 800th anniversary of the arrival of the Dominican friars in England. The Master will be visiting the Rosary Shrine at St. Dominic’s in London on 21-2 May. On Saturday 21 May at 7:30pm there will

Oxford Community Passion Play

Lay Dominicans are members of the Order of Preachers, and preaching can take many different forms.  This Holy Week, one member of the Oxford Fraternity collaborated with other Christians in the city to produce the Oxford Community Passion Play 2022 at St Matthew’s Church in Hinksey.  The photographs here show Lay Dominican Ambrose Hogan working