Veritas: Winter edition

We’ve recently published the winter edition of our newsletter, Veritas. It includes some reflections from the Lay Dominicans of our Province, including a reflection on Fra Angelico’s Annunciation at S. Marco in Florence, and one from a Lay Dominican who is also a University Chaplain. And there’s news from our fraternities.

Advent Masses 1986

In 1986 the BBC broadcast the Advent Family Masses at Blackfriars Priory in Oxford. Mass for the First Sunday in Advent was celebrated by the Prior Fr. Timothy Radcliffe OP, with introduction and preaching (on the subject of hope in prayer) by Fr. Herbert McCabe OP. You can see all the BBC’s recordings of the

RIP Lionel Carriere

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Lionel Carriere, a very longstanding member of the London Fraternity, who died on Thursday 16th November 2023. Lionel had been terminally ill for some time. Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord And let perpetual light shine upon him May he rest in peace Amen

Anna Baidoun’s funeral

Anna Marie Louise Baidoun nee Nuttall-Smith 14th October 1931 – 4th September 2023 Requiem Mass on Tuesday 10th October 2023 at 11.00 am Blackfriars Priory Church, St, Giles, Oxford OX1 3LY Followed by burial at Wolvercote Cemetery, Banbury Road Reception afterwards at Blackfriars, St. Giles.

Anna Baidoun RIP

Please pray for the repose of the soul of Anna Baidoun, who died this morning. Anna was a Lay Dominican of the Oxford Fraternity, who served as President of the fraternity, and also as secretary to the Lay Provincial Council. Anna’s funeral will take place at Blackfriars on Tuesday 10th October at 11.00 am. The